1.   And the park system is adamant about not having the resort built on the same geologic formation in which the caves are.

2.   Catastrophes explain some geologic formations but not all.

3.   Chesapeake is drilling in a geologic formation called the Austin Chalk that stretches from the Texas capital of Austin into Louisiana.

4.   Conoco and its partners are confident the geologic formations that yield that kind of production in Texas extend south of the border.

5.   Diamonds are found in carrot-shaped geologic formations called kimberlite pipes.

6.   Here, this geologic formation is the center of the world, the symbol of hope and movement.

7.   Much of his work focused on linking mammalian fossils to specific geologic formations, a field known as biostratigraphy.

8.   One source in geologic formations is radiation from natural uranium, which breaks water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.

9.   Relatively new three-dimensional seismic technology allows oil companies to get a more accurate picture of geologic formations.

10.   The development of human character through personal and family history encompasses eras analogous to Dakota, Morrison, Todilto and other geologic formations.

a. + formation >>共 315
star 4.64%
new 4.23%
geological 3.55%
stone 3.55%
tight 2.87%
different 2.73%
military 2.60%
geologic 2.32%
offensive 2.19%
illegal 2.05%
geologic + n. >>共 54
formation 17.00%
fault 10.00%
force 5.00%
structure 4.00%
action 3.00%
activity 3.00%
era 3.00%
upheaval 3.00%
process 2.00%
history 2.00%
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