1.   As they begin the final weeks of their college careers, they remain gentle giants who stand guard over separate basketball kingdoms.

2.   At this underwater retreat, a glass wall is all that separates guests from the gentle giants and their fishing buddies.

3.   A bear of a man himself, actors seem to find him a gentle giant whom they can trust.

4.   A gentle giant in spirit and outlook, that was my father.

5.   A mother in Somerville is allegedly slashed by a gentle giant whose sheepish, downcast eyes dart about like the child he is.

6.   A three-second violation, an offensive foul and a walk left this gentle giant looking young and humbled in the belly of the Garden.

7.   Brian is more a gentle giant, a bit of a computer geek.

8.   But for many he was the prototypical gentle giant.

9.   But there is another side to the gentle giant -- a softer, more private side that over the last three months has kicked in big-time.

10.   But Wednesday night in the Meadowlands, there was only the gentle giant holding his daughter in front of the cameras.

a. + giant >>共 454
corporate 5.90%
industrial 4.69%
pharmaceutical 3.97%
aerospace 3.31%
sleeping 2.81%
german 2.48%
italian 2.37%
financial 2.15%
the 2.15%
asian 2.09%
gentle 1.98%
gentle + n. >>共 683
man 2.41%
giant 2.29%
hill 1.65%
smile 1.59%
slope 1.59%
reminder 1.52%
simmer 1.52%
persuasion 1.46%
touch 1.21%
wave 1.14%
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