1.   And there is also a generalized fear that the Front will exact revenge for the massacres of the Tutsi by Hutu government militia and soldiers in April and May.

2.   Hotels, cafes and spas are nearly empty, residual casualties of terrorism and a generalized fear of travel.

3.   Indeed, the lines seemed to be filled with people motivated more by a generalized fear of crime than by a personal experience with it.

4.   The generalized fears among the populace have been reinforced by reports of atrocities by Front soldiers against Hutu who have returned to their villages.

5.   The security forces reported no serious violent incidents during the marches, thus allaying generalized fears that guerrilla groups would take advantage of the strike to stage attacks.

6.   There is a generalized fear of the Patriotic Front from the days of the war when the Hutu government bombarded the people with horror stories about the Tutsi organization.

a. + fear >>共 774
worst 4.81%
public 3.68%
widespread 3.38%
growing 3.19%
biggest 2.46%
new 2.27%
constant 2.14%
lingering 1.70%
greatest 1.65%
same 1.49%
generalized 0.16%
generalized + n. >>共 100
anxiety 7.04%
fear 4.23%
seizure 3.52%
hypertrichosis 2.82%
panic 2.11%
pattern 2.11%
term 2.11%
statement 2.11%
belief 1.41%
ache 1.41%
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