1.   Although Korea and Vietnam were overseas shooting wars, the general perception remained that these conflicts would not spill outside the immediate area of hostilities.

2.   Anecdotal evidence suggests that the general perception in the United States is that Hong Kong is in grave danger, if not already beyond salvation.

3.   As a result, its rise or fall often has more to do with general Brazilian economic perceptions than company fundamentals.

4.   Because Allen and his Football Northwest group have been so aggressive in their lobbying, there is a general perception that buying the Seahawks was his idea.

5.   Bartoli is single-handedly altering the general perception of Vivaldi as a human concerto factory.

6.   After the city of Charlotte voted down a referendum measure for a new arena, the general perception was that the franchise might consider moving in two years.

7.   He cited a general perception that Summers valued the arts less than his predecessor, Neil Rudenstine.

8.   Most relevant perhaps is the general perception of them as sweet.

9.   Public-opinion polls reinforce the general perception of the Japanese as uninterested in religion.

10.   Still, the general perception was everyone had a negative.

a. + perception >>共 325
public 24.85%
common 4.17%
popular 3.84%
growing 3.67%
widespread 3.67%
negative 3.42%
general 2.92%
different 2.34%
visual 1.58%
human 1.33%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
perception 0.14%
每页显示:    共 35