1.   She accepted a plea bargain and received a general discharge under honorable conditions.

2.   At the urging of lawyers and family, she accepted a general discharge rather than face a possible prison sentence.

3.   Dr. Widnall stood firmly by her decision that Lt. Flinn leave the military with a general discharge, which precludes further service.

4.   Flinn clearly blinked and took a general discharge to avoid facing the court-martial.

5.   Flinn will get a general discharge under honorable circumstances.

6.   Flinn resigned last year with a general discharge rather than face a court-martial.

7.   He said the second refusal often results in a general discharge under honorable conditions.

8.   He was a military policeman in Germany for a while before the Army gave him a general discharge for ineptitude.

9.   He was stationed in Germany as a military policeman before the Army gave him a general discharge after getting into trouble with the law.

10.   He was stationed in Germany as a military policeman before the Army gave him a general discharge for ineptitude.

a. + discharge >>共 151
conditional 9.34%
general 7.42%
electrical 5.77%
nasal 3.57%
vaginal 3.57%
radioactive 2.75%
early 2.47%
medical 2.47%
wrongful 2.20%
accidental 1.65%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
discharge 0.11%
每页显示:    共 27