1.   They in turn act as enzymes, machines that manufacture other compounds in the cells, the gene products.

2.   Preliminary characterisation suggests that the gene product resembles a cell adhesion molecule and may therefore regulate the interaction of a cell with its environment.

3.   Although our observations could reflect a receptor associated genomic effect, to establish the fact would require correlation with changes in a measurable gene product.

4.   This may be due to different mutations within the APC gene causing variations from a total absence of gene product through to protein only partially reduced in function.

5.   The synthesis of complex structures such as viruses often requires the synthesis and interaction of several gene products.

6.   The activities of the sbcC and sbcD gene products have not been determined, but the available evidence suggests that they provide a nuclease that disrupts palindromic DNA.

7.   The deduced amino acid sequences of the two gene products show obvious similarities to their poxvirus, eukaryotic and bacterial counterparts.

8.   But scientists say the marker gene product is broken down in the digestive tract and thus cannot function in the human body.

9.   Celera claims it will have the completed human sequence available for its paying customers this fall, as well as details about gene products and genetic variations between people.

n. + product >>共 1366
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gene + n. >>共 238
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