1.   Such advances are being made possible by applying the vastly increasing computational power of computers to unraveling the mysteries of how genes interact in the human body.

2.   Understanding how so many genes interact will not be easy, which makes many biologists eager to try to figure out the worm first.

3.   --Are illnesses like heart disease and diabetes triggered mostly by genes, or do genes interact with diet, smoking and other factors?

4.   The gene interacts with growth hormone, allowing male growth to outstrip that of females.

5.   The portion of a chip on which genes interact with the RNA will be fluorescent, enabling computers to easily isolate it for scientists.

n. + interact >>共 193
people 7.81%
disturbance 5.73%
user 4.17%
air 2.60%
system 2.08%
character 1.82%
drug 1.82%
player 1.82%
child 1.56%
viewer 1.56%
gene 1.30%
gene + v. >>共 233
be 29.19%
make 4.67%
cause 3.35%
produce 2.82%
play 2.73%
do 2.65%
work 2.38%
have 2.29%
control 2.12%
come 1.41%
interact 0.44%
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