1.   Cells thus provide the key to understanding development because their behaviour brings about embryonic development and is controlled by gene activity.

2.   Other ZNF proteins have been shown to bind DNA at specific promoter sites, and they probably act by regulating gene activity.

3.   Celera, based in Rockville, Md., will now sequence just the genes and the regions near the genes that regulate gene activity.

4.   Changes in gene activity may also occur well before other more visible symptoms of harm, like tumors, which can take months to develop.

5.   Comparing the gene activity between the infected and uninfected samples will provide clues about how HIV wrecks the genetic machinery.

6.   The activity also turns on DNA fragments that Cambia takes from yeast that amplify gene activity.

7.   The company then compared gene activity in breast cancer tissues obtained from patients in Australia and Europe with their consent to that of normal health tissue.

8.   The holy grail of medicine is to figure out which genes should be active to keep cells healthy and to detect the inappropriate gene activity that makes cells sick.

9.   The new tools allow researchers to view complex patterns of gene activity in the brain that could never be glimpsed before.

10.   The pattern of gene activity, however, should offer clues to the biochemical pathways by which the harm occurs.

n. + activity >>共 1140
business 8.24%
market 2.82%
settlement 2.56%
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shower 2.04%
brain 1.83%
merger 1.78%
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gene 0.26%
gene + n. >>共 238
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mutation 3.17%
experiment 2.85%
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expression 1.74%
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