1.   But these are not jewels and this is not a gem mine.

2.   It is a world of ragged rock cliffs, steep hills, old gem mines, laurel thickets, and huge rhododendrons.

3.   They support themselves as best they can, scratching for rubies and sapphires in the mostly exhausted gem mines or selling one another vegetables in the market.

4.   It was found at a gem mine earlier this month.

5.   The victims were working in a gems mine located near the Lawpita village, the report said.

6.   It was extracted from the gem mines of Mogok in the northeastern Burmese Shan state.

n. + mine >>共 113
coal 52.47%
diamond 7.18%
uranium 5.18%
rebel 2.94%
zinc 2.47%
nickel 1.76%
pit 1.65%
iron 1.65%
open-pit 1.53%
ore 1.06%
gem 0.71%
gem + n. >>共 47
dealer 9.52%
center 5.71%
mine 5.71%
case 5.71%
cutter 5.71%
mining 4.76%
trade 4.76%
diamond 3.81%
sale 3.81%
show 3.81%
每页显示:    共 6