1.   His hands were wrapped in gauze bandages.

2.   Beltre, wearing a gauze bandage, was listed as day-to-day.

3.   For decades, radiation has been used to sterilize medical instruments and supplies from scalpels to gauze bandages.

4.   His hands, both severely frost-bitten, were bundled in thick gauze bandages.

5.   Looking like an oversize white gauze bandage, the surgical zipper is a polyester patch with a polyethylene zipper running lengthwise down the middle.

6.   She squirted in a few drops of antibiotic and prepared a heavy gauze bandage.

7.   Then the doctor applies anti-bacterial ointments and gauze bandages to minimize infection and scarring.

8.   A few people carried gauze bandages and bottles of water and used them to clean the cuts of the bleeding devotees.

9.   A wad of gauze bandages covered a bullet wound in her shoulder, and her legs had burns from the gasoline.

10.   Among the clues that the dead men had fought with Chechen guerrilla bands, he said, were gauze bandages over wounds and Turkish-made underwear.

n. + bandage >>共 28
gauze 25.45%
butterfly 9.09%
head 5.45%
knee 5.45%
plaster 5.45%
support 5.45%
compression 3.64%
eye 3.64%
ankle 1.82%
arm 1.82%
gauze + n. >>共 22
bandage 25.45%
mask 14.55%
pad 10.91%
dress 9.09%
veil 5.45%
dressing 3.64%
gown 3.64%
background 1.82%
cobweb 1.82%
controversy 1.82%
每页显示:    共 14