1.   The plasma gastrin concentrations in the various groups increased in the same order of magnitude as expected from the gastrin dose given.

2.   There was no significant difference in enterochromaffin like cell density, histamine content or histidine decarboxylase activity between the groups receiving the three highest gastrin doses.

3.   Ryberg et al using the same radioimmunoassay for determination of plasma gastrin, found higher concentrations for the corresponding gastrin doses than we did.

n. + dose >>共 76
radiation 16.46%
drug 6.10%
vaccine 6.10%
insulin 4.88%
morphine 3.66%
time 3.66%
gastrin 2.44%
mega 2.44%
maintenance 2.44%
morning 2.44%
gastrin + n. >>共 20
concentration 47.66%
release 18.69%
secretion 6.54%
dose 3.74%
value 3.74%
peptide 2.80%
gene 1.87%
level 1.87%
output 1.87%
response 1.87%
每页显示:    共 4