1.   None had any complicating medical condition or previous history of gastric surgery, or had taken antibiotics or bismuth preparations in the previous six months.

2.   Patients with persistent pain after gastric surgery often had several symptoms.

3.   Persistant pain is often reported after gastric surgery and management is difficult.

4.   The results indicated that although all patients with persistent pain after gastric surgery had DGR, there was no correlation between symptoms and the severity of DGR.

a. + surgery >>共 426
arthroscopic 12.58%
back 6.86%
emergency 6.80%
reconstructive 5.85%
cosmetic 5.49%
major 3.79%
minor 3.38%
hip 3.14%
successful 2.93%
abdominal 2.54%
gastric 0.39%
gastric + n. >>共 138
mucosa 11.64%
secretion 10.23%
metaplasia 7.80%
cancer 6.27%
cell 3.07%
lymphoma 2.69%
surgery 2.30%
acid 2.17%
body 2.17%
biopsy 2.17%
每页显示:    共 18