1.   Reactive oxygen species have a role in ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the intestine, and may also participate in the pathogenesis of several kinds of gastric lesions.

2.   The stomach was removed and the area of gastric lesions was measured by planimeter by two investigators under blinded conditions.

3.   The animals were anaesthetised three hours later and gastric blood flow and area of gastric lesions were measured as previously described.

4.   The stomach was then removed and the number of gastric lesions were counted.

5.   Sucralfate caused a significant reduction in the number and area of gastric lesions and a significant increase in gastric blood flow above that obtained in vehicle treated controls.

6.   When bFGF given subcutoneously was combined with sucralfate, the reduction in gastric lesions was more pronounced than that achieved with sucralfate or bFGF alone.

a. + lesion >>共 165
gastric 4.05%
precancerous 3.74%
small 3.43%
suspicious 2.80%
gastrointestinal 2.49%
cancerous 2.18%
upper 2.18%
cervical 1.87%
mucosal 1.87%
similar 1.87%
gastric + n. >>共 138
mucosa 11.64%
secretion 10.23%
metaplasia 7.80%
cancer 6.27%
cell 3.07%
lymphoma 2.69%
surgery 2.30%
acid 2.17%
body 2.17%
biopsy 2.17%
lesion 1.66%
每页显示:    共 13