1.   Divide into individual salad plates or into bowls, and garnish each serving with hard-cooked egg half.

2.   Garnish each serving with a lime wedge and serve at once.

3.   Garnish each serving with a sprig of basil.

4.   Garnish each serving with lime wedge.

5.   Garnish each serving with remaining cheese and parsley.

6.   Garnish servings with fresh strawberries.

7.   Garnish each serving with a mint leaf, if desired.

8.   Garnish each serving with a wedge or twist of lemon.

9.   Garnish each serving with basil sprigs and the optional radishes.

10.   Garnish each serving with crumbled blue cheese and the grilled onions.

v. + serving >>共 55
garnish 20.86%
top 12.95%
have 7.19%
eat 4.32%
sprinkle 4.32%
place 3.60%
do 2.88%
recommend 2.88%
equal 2.16%
get 2.16%
garnish + n. >>共 69
serving 14.95%
plate 9.28%
top 7.73%
bowl 6.19%
wage 4.64%
portion 4.64%
dish 4.12%
salad 3.61%
platter 3.09%
soup 2.06%
每页显示:    共 29