1.   He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.

2.   Despite efforts on both sides to smooth over some rough edges, there is indeed a gaping ideological chasm between them.

3.   He was chasing a dream, but he soon realized he had stepped off a professional cliff into the gaping chasm of life as an unemployed novelist.

4.   In silence, she stood alone, surveying the gaping chasm in the city-owned road where six people had died.

5.   So, has the gaping chasm that defines Arizona worldwide lost its luster for tourists?

6.   The statement was neither candid nor contrite, and rather than bringing closure, it opened a gaping chasm.

7.   Why, then, does this well-respected member of academia endure the gaping cultural chasm between what he grew up with in Benin and the harsh winters in Russia?

8.   With time, these differences became gaping chasms.

a. + chasm >>共 61
cultural 13.28%
gaping 6.25%
deep 6.25%
growing 4.69%
ideological 4.69%
yawning 3.91%
huge 3.91%
great 2.34%
racial 2.34%
widening 2.34%
gaping + n. >>共 97
hole 60.18%
wound 5.26%
mouth 3.68%
crack 1.75%
loophole 1.58%
pothole 1.58%
chasm 1.40%
budget 1.23%
eye 0.88%
deficit 0.88%
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