1.   Ballistics tests could link the gun that killed McLaughlin, as yet unrecovered, to other gang shootings.

2.   City officials heard numerous stories of gang shootings and harassment.

3.   In Santa Barbara, Calif., a neighborhood responded to gang shootings by organizing a block-watching program.

4.   Investigators plan to compare the bullet that killed McLaughlin to those they have recovered in other gang shootings.

5.   Many of the prospective homeowners live nearby in the notorious Nickerson Gardens housing project, where gang shootings are common.

6.   Rodriguez then told the weepy audience that gang shootings also hurt the families and friends of gang members.

7.   The tiny lumber town of Weed and rice-growing town of Colusa had just experienced their first gang shootings.

8.   Parks responded to criticism that so much attention was being paid to the killing of his granddaughter when there have been many other gang shootings.

9.   The gang shootings arose from petty and unrelated disputes.

10.   China has rebuked Macau law enforcement agencies for failing to quash the gang shootings, bombings and arson attacks.

n. + shooting >>共 91
school 32.35%
drive-by 28.89%
police 10.73%
gang 1.73%
sniper 1.56%
gangland-style 0.87%
high-profile 0.87%
weekend 0.87%
week 0.87%
workplace 0.87%
gang + n. >>共 264
member 46.15%
leader 8.28%
violence 5.20%
activity 4.20%
war 3.08%
warfare 2.87%
fight 1.71%
life 1.25%
problem 1.12%
symbol 0.92%
shooting 0.42%
每页显示:    共 10