1.   An indoor gallery houses rotating collections of painting and other art.

2.   In the future, the gallery will house revolving exhibits of textiles, clothing and accessories, and other works relating to fashion.

3.   Its large galleries will house monumental artworks, pieces that weigh a ton or measure a quarter of a mile.

4.   Its bright, spacious galleries now house Indian and colonial art.

5.   The galleries also house some of the most beautiful books on earth.

6.   The museum already has an extensive permanent collection but its galleries will house a series of exhibitions assembled by free-lance curators.

n. + house >>共 314
building 20.92%
museum 2.49%
center 2.12%
camp 1.87%
facility 1.74%
site 1.49%
hotel 1.37%
structure 1.37%
floor 1.37%
complex 1.25%
gallery 0.75%
gallery + v. >>共 245
be 25.93%
have 3.99%
open 2.28%
roar 1.85%
feature 1.71%
display 1.57%
show 1.42%
follow 1.28%
cheer 1.14%
look 1.14%
house 0.85%
每页显示:    共 6