1.   The gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography.

2.   The gallery is currently exhibiting nine bronze statues loaned by the Victoria and Albert Museum.

3.   A gallery is exhibiting his works.

4.   One of the two cable cars is named after the prince and the village art gallery has even exhibited some of his art work.

5.   One of the two cable cars is named after the prince and the village art gallery has even exhibited some of his artwork.

6.   Yet another photo gallery exhibited the work of a local amateur, whose full frontal male nudes would certainly have raised eyebrows in an earlier time.

n. + exhibit >>共 270
patient 4.66%
company 2.45%
artist 2.21%
museum 2.21%
economy 1.96%
child 1.96%
system 1.72%
gallery 1.47%
man 1.23%
market 1.23%
gallery + v. >>共 245
be 25.93%
have 3.99%
open 2.28%
roar 1.85%
feature 1.71%
display 1.57%
show 1.42%
follow 1.28%
cheer 1.14%
look 1.14%
exhibit 0.85%
每页显示:    共 6