1.   The question is whether or not the syndicates running off their future liabilities did so in utmost good faith by revealing all pertinent facts about the contract.

2.   Another danger is that linking a settlement to potentially popular programs may inadvertently give the tobacco lobby additional leverage in its campaign to gain immunity from future liability claims.

3.   But actuaries and epidemiologists had vastly underestimated the number of claims that would be filed, leading to concerns that existing revenue streams would not cover future liabilities.

4.   But it has settled all litigation against it, Riley said, and has a reserve fund for future liabilities.

5.   But that would probably be very costly and still might not guarantee that he be free of future liability.

6.   But what about the future financial liability arising from unredeemed miles?

7.   By agreeing to the settlement, Aventis is relieved of future liability.

8.   Castleman said that one of the worst aspects of the agreement, which was finalized last week, is that it releases the company from future liability.

9.   For some companies, she said, their future liability for retiree health care was greater than their net worth, before they began cutting back on benefits.

10.   For example, the agreement includes limits on future liability and new procedures for the Food and Drug Administration.

a. + liability >>共 247
legal 10.11%
potential 8.79%
political 5.18%
defensive 3.87%
civil 3.60%
criminal 2.90%
strict 2.46%
financial 2.20%
future 2.11%
unlimited 2.02%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
liability 0.14%
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