1.   And there are legal complexities on the issue of immunity from future lawsuits.

2.   And they warned they would not support any proposal that gives the cigarette makers immunity from future lawsuits.

3.   Another provision of the code says that judges should not join activities that would force them to recuse themselves from future lawsuits, Gillers said.

4.   Any limit on future lawsuits or a cap on payments would have to be passed into law by Congress.

5.   Anti-tobacco leaders today announced their opposition to any settlement between tobacco companies and state attorneys general that includes a grant of immunity from future lawsuits.

6.   As part of the deal, Motorola is protecting itself from future lawsuits.

7.   Backers of the law are already lobbying Congress to close what they see as loopholes that limit its protections and to pass other measures that might limit future lawsuits.

8.   A central predicament facing the president is that any deal that gives cigarette makers even partial immunity from future lawsuits depends on congressional approval.

9.   A form of modified immunity from future lawsuits might include a law that bars people from suing tobacco companies for certain types of low-level claims but not all claims.

10.   A key sticking point is deciding on the amount of protection for the industry from future lawsuits, lawyers on both sides said.

a. + lawsuit >>共 415
civil 14.67%
federal 12.68%
similar 5.19%
separate 3.41%
pending 3.35%
frivolous 3.35%
antitrust 3.10%
private 2.55%
new 2.52%
future 2.27%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
lawsuit 0.42%
每页显示:    共 74