1.   Future historians will be in a unique position when they come to record the history of our own times.

2.   Perhaps, the printed versions in their dispersed form will be of interest and even value to future historians.

3.   Would a single airline reservation transaction have value to a future historian?

4.   Swamping future historians with vast amounts of digital information may impede their research as they attempt to navigate through it.

5.   Inaccuracies in the data abound and these will need to be considered by future historians.

6.   The belief that it would be possible to maintain old computer hardware in operational order for use by future historians is utopian.

7.   Future historians would in all likelihood use the same data to help answer entirely different questions were it accessible in its original form.

8.   Archives which contain unique and valuable collections of information must be protected in order to serve future historians.

9.   There is no doubt that future historians will look to a more complex structure of data.

a. + historian >>共 329
military 4.91%
architectural 3.70%
local 3.45%
british 3.27%
future 3.01%
american 2.76%
amateur 2.15%
social 1.89%
professional 1.81%
economic 1.81%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
historian 0.20%
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