1.   A deputation of Confederates had come to demand that he and his men evacuate the fort without further delay.

2.   A further delay before I am on my feet and, in fact, it is now tomorrow.

3.   At the hearing, university officials agreed to register him without further delay.

4.   But further delay could be dangerous.

5.   However, Rodman said the state only agreed to the clean-up plan to avoid further delays.

6.   It could cause further delays to the scheme, which has been fiercely opposed in Kent.

7.   The airline has assured travellers there will be no further delays.

8.   The crew and passengers were keen to get airborne without further delay.

9.   The doctor awoke an hour before he arrived and, calling for hot water, delivered the child without further delay.

10.   The ruling could mean years of further delay.

a. + delay >>共 423
long 13.13%
further 12.42%
bureaucratic 3.45%
lengthy 2.93%
repeated 2.66%
latest 1.95%
possible 1.88%
planting 1.76%
slight 1.69%
major 1.69%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
delay 1.07%
每页显示:    共 329