1.   Phillipon refused to say whether the framework assigns nominal dollar amounts for each individual or uses a funding formula.

2.   But certainly, some progress is being made towards the common funding formula.

3.   An advocacy group that calls itself the Campaign for Fiscal Equity has sued the state in an effort to force changes in the funding formulas.

4.   And the Senate is bogged down in a sectional fight over funding formulas that so far has prevented any action.

5.   A fight over funding formulas, pitting the South and West against northern states, has been responsible for delays in crafting a new bill.

6.   But critics fear an amendment would push the economy into a recession and lock growth states like Florida into unfair funding formulas for welfare, Medicaid and other programs.

7.   But revised funding formulas are widely acknowledged to be key to rescuing the United Nations from its current fiscal problems.

8.   But much of the informal discussion centered on how funding formulas have changed and how valuations have tumbled during the past few weeks.

9.   Census tallies figure not only in political apportionment but also in federal funding formulas and also have commercial importance.

a. + formula >>共 501
new 6.92%
mathematical 4.65%
winning 3.82%
infant 3.56%
funding 3.05%
complex 2.89%
pricing 2.79%
magic 2.79%
simple 2.63%
same 2.63%
funding + n. >>共 325
source 5.56%
cut 5.14%
formula 4.15%
problem 4.08%
level 4.01%
bill 3.80%
measure 3.10%
cost 2.74%
shortage 2.25%
shortfall 1.76%
每页显示:    共 59