1.   Fundamentalist preachers who anathematize any departure from a literal interpretation of the Bible.

2.   Eagle Project is run by former fundamentalist preacher Don Howard and two former Texas public school superintendents, Forrest Watson and Linus Wright.

3.   Kim was sent to an orphanage where eventually she was adopted by an American fundamentalist preacher and his wife.

4.   Last May, McGuinness defeated a fundamentalist Protestant preacher, the Rev. William McCrea, to become the member of Parliament for mid-Ulster.

5.   No advertiser boycotts, no hassles with network censors, no fire-and-brimstone condemnation from fundamentalist preachers.

6.   Phil Jackson, coach of the Lakers, is the son of a fundamentalist Christian preacher.

7.   Pearl was working on a story about Islamic terrorism, and he had met Saeed in an effort to interview a prominent Islamic fundamentalist preacher.

8.   These last few years were custom-made for astrologers, New Age shamans, positive-thinking gurus and fundamentalist preachers.

9.   An Islamic fundamentalist preacher living in Britain was quoted Monday as warning foreigners against traveling to Muslim countries.

10.   Bahrain says the riots are the result of fundamentalist preachers like Salman stirring up fanaticism.

a. + preacher >>共 181
muslim 5.56%
black 5.14%
islamic 4.94%
pentecostal 4.12%
lay 4.12%
fundamentalist 3.29%
prominent 2.67%
evangelical 2.67%
former 2.47%
popular 2.26%
fundamentalist + n. >>共 314
group 25.86%
movement 7.63%
leader 3.98%
party 3.48%
militant 3.36%
guerrilla 3.27%
militia 2.94%
regime 2.74%
government 1.86%
organization 1.74%
preacher 0.66%
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