1.   Already, the SEC has been flooded with requests from fund companies, corporate governance experts and academics to participate in the round table, SEC officials said.

2.   Although the county eventually renegotiated terms of repayment with its debt holders, it set a bad precedent, fund companies said.

3.   Although duration is difficult to calculate, it should be readily available from the fund company.

4.   American Century Brokerage will hire some new employees for the service and train some present fund company employees, Bernstein said.

5.   Among fund companies that sell their funds directly to investors, without a sales charge, fund flows have been strong.

6.   Although that time was a nightmare for all fund companies, Vanguard says its special force helped ease the burden.

7.   Although the fund company long invested only in United States stocks, it has branched out recently.

8.   Among the fund companies that are upping the redemption ante is Fidelity Investments, the industry giant.

9.   An investor can learn these things by talking to the fund company and reading shareholder reports.

10.   Analysts at fund companies, while growing in importance, still more or less work in anonymity.

n. + company >>共 616
oil 7.16%
tobacco 4.21%
phone 4.02%
drug 3.30%
telephone 3.20%
technology 2.72%
software 2.45%
telecommunication 2.34%
construction 2.13%
service 2.10%
fund 1.23%
fund + n. >>共 534
manager 32.62%
company 10.52%
rate 5.21%
group 3.34%
raiser 2.17%
family 1.96%
investor 1.85%
industry 1.64%
management 1.52%
official 1.45%
每页显示:    共 598