1.   Why should the government or industry consider funding the activities of scholars who are marginalized by their own professions?

2.   Any surpluses created by taxes to fund these activities would be put in a separate account to be used exclusively for the intended purpose.

3.   Any proceeds from the game will go not to the Castro government, but to fund sports activities, mostly among Cuban youth.

4.   Bond firms use repos to fund their activities in the fixed-income markets.

5.   Earlier this week, Montreal police warned citizens that Algerians were extorting money in that city and using the proceeds to fund the activities of extremists.

6.   I hope the legislatures will continue to fund our activities.

7.   In early years the activities were funded by Cyrus Eaton, a Cleveland industrialist.

8.   It provoked worry among some tax lawyers and politicians that the IRS had made it easier for politicians to use charitable groups to fund some activities.

9.   It was beamed to cable systems around the country, with production costs paid for by donors to tax-exempt charitable foundations legally barred from funding political activity.

10.   Montreal police say Algerian terrorists do operate in that city, using extortion and thefts to fund overseas activities.

v. + activity >>共 792
monitor 2.80%
limit 2.16%
coordinate 2.00%
finance 1.92%
report 1.69%
resume 1.57%
ban 1.54%
curb 1.54%
conduct 1.47%
increase 1.47%
fund 0.98%
fund + n. >>共 660
project 8.46%
program 5.97%
research 4.39%
study 4.36%
purchase 3.67%
operation 1.97%
activity 1.87%
campaign 1.74%
construction 1.47%
effort 1.31%
每页显示:    共 57