1.   The remote keypad eliminates disturbance to the balance caused when operating the function keys.

2.   Help can be obtained at any time by pressing the function key reserved for this purpose.

3.   Help can be obtained at any point during an interactive session by pressing the function key reserved for this purpose.

4.   In this case, the cursor can be moved between the fields over the page using the appropriate special function keys.

5.   Im doing this on a PC, as opposed to me normal VDU, and for some reason the function keys are all up the spout.

6.   New and potential users can grasp the basics of microcomputing -- system components, function keys, Dosmate, general housekeeping and an overview of common application packages.

7.   Green needs to hold down which key before pressing the given function key?

8.   Among other improvements, the new Apple Pro Keyboard offers full-size function keys, more navigation keys and a new key that automatically ejects a CD.

9.   A keypad cleverly embedded among the right-hand letters may be turned on with a function key, or a detachable number pad may be ordered.

10.   For example, you can easily navigate via the keyboard, using function keys for tasks like copying, saving and exiting a program.

n. + key >>共 207
car 25.96%
arrow 8.08%
house 5.03%
ignition 4.50%
room 3.97%
function 2.91%
encryption 2.78%
computer 2.38%
delete 1.99%
typewriter 1.46%
function + n. >>共 58
test 20.13%
key 13.84%
room 13.21%
privilege 7.55%
hall 3.77%
exception 2.52%
cost 1.89%
exam 1.26%
call 1.26%
definition 1.26%
每页显示:    共 22