1.   Crumbly, dry texture is more like fruit cake than pud.

2.   Fruit cakes keep for quite a long time.

3.   I am having trouble with my fruit cakes!

4.   Now give me a piece of that fruit cake and stop being silly.

5.   Or Maybe the holidays began when Mom bought all the fruit and nuts for the fruit cake she made in November.

6.   She then produced an amazing sunken fruit cake from a tin.

7.   Arthur Kobold delved into a desk drawer and produced an enormous fruit cake.

8.   Arthur Kobold rammed the last of the fruit cake into his mouth.

n. + cake >>共 247
birthday 15.69%
crab 11.17%
rice 6.21%
carrot 3.72%
layer 3.39%
fruit 2.93%
potato 2.14%
apple 1.81%
funnel 1.81%
tea 1.47%
fruit + n. >>共 315
juice 14.89%
tree 11.41%
salad 4.20%
flavor 4.07%
drink 2.95%
stand 2.23%
grower 1.84%
cake 1.70%
vendor 1.64%
basket 1.57%
每页显示:    共 26