1. Flight directors were keeping close tabs Tuesday on a frontal system in the Midwest. 2. An autumnal air mass will cover the Eastern states as a frontal system shifts off the Atlantic seaboard. 3. A complex frontal system will cross the Northeast prompting a batch of showers with embedded thunder to move through the region Thursday morning. 4. A complex frontal system will approach the Northwest Coast. 5. A complex frontal system will cross the Rockies. 6. A band of rain with imbedded thunderstorms will precede the frontal system as it sweeps northeast from the Middle Atlantic states toward New England. 7. A broken band of heavy showers and a few thunderstorms will form near a weak frontal system as it moves through the interior Northeast. 8. A complex frontal system will move through the Plains states. 9. A complex frontal system will spread a band of moderate rain into parts of the Northeast on Friday. 10. A frontal system accompanied by a broken band of showers will move quickly from the eastern part of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley into the interior Northeast. |