1.   Spectators were frisked when entering the hearing room.

2.   Policemen frisked all spectators as they arrived, making them walk through large metal detectors.

3.   All spectators will be frisked at several points and plainclothes police will mingle with them in the stadium.

4.   All spectators will be frisked.

5.   But authorities took no chances and hundreds of armed police ringed the stadium and frisked the spectators, most of whom assembled two hours before the match began.

6.   Dozens of regular police and private guards with dogs are deployed at each performance, and spectators are frisked before entry.

7.   Each spectator were frisked.

8.   Spectators were frisked and armed soldiers took position at vantage points.

v. + spectator >>共 190
kill 5.75%
injure 3.45%
attract 2.76%
keep 2.76%
hit 2.76%
take 2.76%
attack 2.76%
draw 2.53%
outnumber 2.30%
treat 2.07%
frisk 1.84%
frisk + n. >>共 41
people 10.78%
visitor 8.82%
spectator 7.84%
passenger 7.84%
man 6.86%
passer-by 5.88%
pedestrian 3.92%
patron 3.92%
woman 2.94%
guest 2.94%
每页显示:    共 8