1.   But the mussels, or freshwater mollusks, may be poised to move into the same league with the spotted owl.

2.   More species of the family of freshwater mollusks known as Unionidae are among the candidates being considered for protection under the Endangered Species Act than any other taxonomic family.

3.   They got their animal proteins from deer, ducks, dogs and freshwater mollusks.

4.   Zebra mussels are freshwater mollusks that were inadvertently introduced into American waters about two decades ago.

5.   The zebra mussel is the only freshwater mollusk that can firmly attach itself to solid objects.

a. + mollusk >>共 22
freshwater 16.67%
bivalve 10.00%
striped 6.67%
tiny 6.67%
black 3.33%
extinct 3.33%
gastropod 3.33%
individual 3.33%
little 3.33%
long-lived 3.33%
freshwater + n. >>共 96
fish 19.92%
lake 8.98%
mussel 5.08%
fishing 3.13%
shrimp 2.34%
river 2.34%
supply 1.95%
turtle 1.95%
marsh 1.95%
mollusk 1.95%
每页显示:    共 5