1.   Is it beyond the wit, guts and grace of ordinary men and women to re-assemble in fresher alliances on the basis of fresh thinking?

2.   And moving beyond it to one that aims to elicit a response from a particular audience requires fresh thinking and more sensitivity than many business people are used to.

3.   But for now, the pilot program waivers and state funding formula changes are a small price to pay for fresh thinking on an old and serious problem.

4.   Gingrich-the-geopolitician airily called for fresh thinking about interests and institutions.

5.   Fresh thinking is a plus, say old hands in the airline business.

6.   Fresh thinking would help deal with testy issues on the agenda, from the Balkans to missile defenses, from nonproliferation to NATO enlargement.

7.   Governments will have to do some fresh thinking, too.

8.   Greeley, on the other hand, shies away from nothing and would probably argue that sometimes a dose of polarization is the only way to stir fresh thinking.

9.   His plan to fund House and Senatre races has its shortcomings, but it demonstrates fresh thinking and also shows his heart is in the right place.

10.   I admire their independence, their strength and their fresh thinking.

a. + thinking >>共 467
positive 5.46%
new 5.13%
critical 3.96%
creative 3.51%
strategic 3.38%
quick 2.66%
current 2.47%
conventional 1.62%
fresh 1.36%
independent 1.30%
fresh + n. >>共 1012
fruit 3.80%
air 3.73%
water 3.11%
start 2.63%
election 2.19%
herb 1.35%
flower 1.28%
food 1.25%
vegetable 1.20%
lead 1.17%
thinking 0.15%
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