1.   Frequent malfunctions make them an exercise in frustration.

2.   But testing has been plagued by frequent non-nuclear malfunctions.

3.   But testing has been plagued by frequent technological malfunctions in its non-nuclear part.

4.   Frequent malfunctions in recent years have shut down various reactors, causing power cuts and rationing.

5.   Frequent malfunctions in recent years have forced the shutdown of various reactors and curtailed power supplies, causing widespread cuts and rationing.

6.   It has had frequent malfunctions, and has been stopped many times since major repairs were completed in May.

7.   Many of the reactors in use today are in need of repair and experience frequent minor malfunctions.

8.   Most nuclear plants in the former Soviet Union, including Chernobyl, experience frequent malfunctions that force a reduction or stoppage of electric production.

9.   Small Russian planes see frequent malfunctions, and the underfunded armed forces have long been short of maintenance equipment.

10.   There have been frequent malfunctions at the unit recently.

a. + malfunction >>共 69
mechanical 24.59%
internal 10.25%
technical 9.84%
electrical 9.43%
frequent 4.10%
minor 3.28%
apparent 2.87%
possible 2.87%
catastrophic 2.05%
latest 2.05%
frequent + n. >>共 1232
target 4.33%
visitor 4.16%
trip 2.41%
visit 2.14%
critic 2.09%
flyer 1.82%
contact 1.67%
clash 1.54%
use 1.50%
guest 1.42%
malfunction 0.19%
每页显示:    共 10