1.   It had been discovered that fraudulent activities amongst these members was often associated with their other business dealings.

2.   Boston Scientific discovered the fraud when installing a new information management system at the Japanese unit and immediately reported the fraudulent activity to the SEC.

3.   But particularly egregious or repeated fraudulent activity can lead to criminal charges, Farmer said.

4.   Cotton, who testified, denied any fraudulent activity.

5.   David Carlson, a California art dealer who spends hours each day on eBay, said that he has seen a recent dropoff in fraudulent activity on the site.

6.   Customer complaints were referred to a compliance department, which did not investigate them but worked to conceal the fraudulent activities, Morgenthau said.

7.   If the brokerage firm is guilty of some fraudulent activity, how would the bank deal with that in terms of its overall reputation?

8.   In the past, Dahduli has denied any such fraudulent activity.

9.   Like Jenkins, the committee lawyers, too, said that they were not suggesting that either Ms. Landrieu or her campaign aides were involved in fraudulent activities.

a. + activity >>共 1049
economic 6.43%
political 4.94%
terrorist 3.63%
criminal 3.37%
illegal 2.67%
military 2.53%
manufacturing 1.87%
physical 1.85%
sexual 1.71%
volcanic 1.44%
fraudulent 0.14%
fraudulent + n. >>共 255
claim 6.63%
investment 4.17%
practice 3.56%
scheme 3.19%
document 3.19%
activity 2.94%
use 2.82%
bankruptcy 2.09%
loan 1.96%
transaction 1.96%
每页显示:    共 24