1.   Insurance fraud costs the industry millions of pounds each year.

2.   Bush said the system should pay for itself in savings within two years, though he said he does not know how much welfare fraud costs the state annually.

3.   But the report contained no information about which schools were padding attendance, who was responsible or exactly how much the alleged fraud cost the state.

4.   He said such fraud ultimately costs the consumer.

5.   Health care fraud costs Americans tens of billions of dollars annually and appears to be growing rapidly, the Senate Aging Committee was told Tuesday.

6.   Officials estimate this fraud costs carriers tens of millions of dollars annually.

7.   Former prime minister Mahendra Chaudhry claimed the fraud had cost his party five crucial seats, robbing it of the election.

n. + cost >>共 1405
plan 1.46%
mistake 1.30%
project 1.27%
program 1.06%
delay 1.04%
decision 0.98%
move 0.96%
service 0.88%
strike 0.80%
system 0.77%
fraud 0.19%
fraud + v. >>共 108
be 44.80%
mar 4.60%
occur 3.60%
take 3.20%
taint 2.60%
involve 2.60%
become 2.00%
cost 1.40%
obtain 1.40%
include 1.20%
每页显示:    共 7