1.   Clinton also will get franking privileges for his mail, except for political mail.

2.   Congresspeople can use radio ads to reach more constituents at less expense than with throw-away mailouts using their franking privilege.

3.   Clinton will also receive franking privileges for all his non-political mail, a travel allowance for himself and two staffers, and lifetime Secret Service protection.

4.   Feingold, who tends to the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, has promised not to use his franking privileges to pay for mailings.

5.   Franking privileges allow members of Congress to communicate directly with their constituents at government expense.

6.   I came to admire him when, as a senator, he exposed the abuse of the franking privilege by incumbents.

7.   I forgot to ask if I can keep my franking privileges.

8.   In the first instance, he was accused of abusing his franking privileges by having volunteers in Texas mail him videotapes of local television coverage in franked envelopes.

9.   Is the franking privilege not granted to a sitting president as it is to Congress?

10.   That means dicey topics like money to finance the congressional franking privilege are not subjected to votes.

a. + privilege >>共 287
special 18.45%
trading 3.83%
same 3.63%
driving 3.53%
white 2.32%
diplomatic 2.12%
rare 2.02%
great 1.81%
parliamentary 1.61%
legal 1.51%
franking 1.01%
franking + n. >>共 6
privilege 66.67%
budget 6.67%
commission 6.67%
credit 6.67%
machine 6.67%
policy 6.67%
每页显示:    共 10