1.   He crumpled to the ice with a shattered fourth cervical vertebra, his body paralyzed from the neck down.

2.   His collarbone, shoulder, upper arm and fourth cervical vertebra were fractured.

3.   The fourth vertebra, which Roy shattered, is slightly lower on the spine and below the phrenic nerve, leaving his ability to breathe relatively unimpaired.

4.   He shattered the fourth vertebra in his neck and injured his spinal cord, paralyzing him from the neck down.

5.   Latif has a collapsed disc between the third and the fourth vertebrae of the neck.

6.   The freshman winger from Yarmouth, Maine, shattered the fourth vertebra in his neck after he hit the boards in a game against North Dakota.

a. + vertebra >>共 55
fractured 16.16%
broken 15.15%
cervical 10.10%
lumbar 5.05%
cracked 3.54%
damaged 3.54%
fourth 3.54%
crushed 3.54%
seventh 2.02%
spinal 2.02%
fourth + n. >>共 753
quarter 19.06%
time 5.34%
day 5.03%
round 4.26%
inning 4.07%
place 3.38%
game 3.22%
year 2.84%
title 1.23%
season 1.21%
vertebra 0.04%
每页显示:    共 7