1.   Good sources include milk and dairy foods, fortified cereals, green and yellow vegetables, deep-yellow or orange fruits and organ meats.

2.   Safflower oil, fortified cereal, wheat germ and soybeans are all good sources, the book advises.

3.   Significant amounts are also found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, as well as in margarine, eggs, some yogurts and some fortified cold cereals.

4.   Zinc is prominent in meats, poultry, shellfish, dairy products, beans and fortified cereals.

5.   In fact, fortified cereal appears to be among the more nutritious foods children are eating.

a. + cereal >>共 119
cold 5.97%
new 5.47%
hot 4.98%
dry 3.98%
fortified 2.49%
eating 2.49%
sugary 2.49%
european 1.99%
bagged 1.99%
american 1.49%
fortified + n. >>共 136
border 10.32%
position 8.35%
compound 6.39%
bunker 4.67%
checkpoint 2.46%
base 2.46%
milk 2.21%
police 1.97%
building 1.97%
city 1.72%
cereal 1.23%
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