1.   A handful of infestations of fast-eating Formosan termites have been reported in Georgia in the past decade, almost all in metro Atlanta.

2.   Edward D. Freytag, an entomologist, inspects a wall at Perseverance Hall in The Quarter, where Formosan termites made a carton nest in early May.

3.   Formosan termites, a subterranean variety native to Asia, are believed to have arrived in New Orleans on ships returning from the Pacific in World War II.

4.   Formosan termites are eating their way up and down the Gulf Coast, from Texas to Florida.

5.   Formosan termites have feasted on the houses of this city for decades, but only in the last few years has the threat to living trees become apparent.

6.   Formosan termites have several endearing characteristics.

7.   In Hawaii, residents have been battling the Formosan termite for well over a century.

8.   It would change the definition of casualty loss to include Formosan termites.

9.   The economics of Formosan termite infestation are of greatest concern to residents in New Orleans.

10.   The Formosan subterranean termite, the so-called supertermite, forms enormous and voracious colonies that can devour a house in a few years.

a. + termite >>共 40
formosan 20.63%
subterranean 14.29%
dead 3.17%
metal-eating 3.17%
swarming 3.17%
artificial 1.59%
bellicose 1.59%
breeding 1.59%
controlling 1.59%
do-it-yourself 1.59%
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