1.   And British stalwarts Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith and Kate Winslet are formidable foes as well.

2.   As big business flexed its muscles in Flint, big labor emerged here as a formidable foe.

3.   -- HIV has proven to be a formidable foe of science, developing resistance to anti-viral drugs.

4.   A combined AOL-Netscape would create a formidable foe against Microsoft in the fight for control of the Internet market.

5.   Against a less formidable foe, her tenacity probably would have paid off.

6.   Both are formidable foes.

7.   But even political opponents concede Daschle is a formidable foe.

8.   But his very familiarity with the sleazy world of political favors makes him a formidable foe in the Whitewater affair.

9.   But the Americans engaged in two hours of athletic give-and-take with the formidable foes from the beach hotbed.

10.   But they face a formidable foe with potent allies, including the New York investor Guy Wyser-Pratte.

a. + foe >>共 381
former 13.91%
political 12.12%
old 4.62%
longtime 4.04%
bitter 3.00%
formidable 2.42%
common 1.96%
republican 1.85%
alike 1.33%
long-time 1.27%
formidable + n. >>共 591
opponent 6.67%
challenge 5.94%
task 4.83%
obstacle 3.91%
competitor 3.04%
force 2.71%
team 2.03%
foe 2.03%
candidate 1.98%
presence 1.50%
每页显示:    共 42