1.   And Alexander, a former governor of Tennessee, wants to make the case that he is the most formidable candidate in his native South.

2.   And those reports do not account for future fund-raising by Geraldine Ferraro, who is considering running and is widely considered a formidable candidate.

3.   Any opponent might find that Hevesi has already become a formidable candidate.

4.   As a popular, pro-abortion rights Republican businessman with plenty of wealthy friends and supporters, he could be a formidable candidate, Reilly suggested.

5.   As even his detractors concede, Kennedy remains a formidable candidate.

6.   Both men are pursued by formidable alternative candidates for the nomination, and neither frontrunner is as well-known as the pundits seem to think.

7.   A number of prominent Democrats, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said they thought that Cuomo had decided against running because Giuliani would be a formidable candidate.

8.   A potentially formidable candidate, Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer, dropped out earlier in the year, to run instead for re-election to his current post.

9.   A third formidable candidate, Geraldine A. Ferraro, is weighing whether to enter the race.

10.   Aleman is the son of the former president who presided over the postwar boom years, and polls show that his legendary name would make him a formidable candidate.

a. + candidate >>共 485
presidential 17.01%
republican 7.08%
democratic 4.93%
leading 3.97%
the 3.30%
potential 2.36%
likely 2.16%
possible 2.04%
only 1.76%
independent 1.71%
formidable 0.17%
formidable + n. >>共 591
opponent 6.67%
challenge 5.94%
task 4.83%
obstacle 3.91%
competitor 3.04%
force 2.71%
team 2.03%
foe 2.03%
candidate 1.98%
presence 1.50%
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