1.   The former dictator still keeps a tight grip on power.

2.   In November Brazil refused a request for the extradition of Gustavo Adolfo Stroessner, son of the former dictator.

3.   Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, the C.-in-C.

4.   Seeking to improve relations with India, the President asked forgiveness from all Ugandans of Indian origin who had suffered from the excesses of former dictator Idi Amin.

5.   Col Peck denied Gen Morgan, son in law of the former Somali dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, had taken Kismayu.

6.   The former military dictator General Zir-El-Haaq is still revered here.

7.   Anchoring their prizes was a picture of former dictators, Jean-Claude Duvalier and his father, Francois.

8.   And even the daughter of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, the former Chilean dictator, was stopped at the airport with two boxes of pineapples.

9.   Before the vote on presidential term limits, a surreal moment occurred when the governing styles of the Rotary Club and the former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin were invoked.

10.   Both Salad and Kalif were long-serving ministers under the former dictator.

a. + dictator >>共 260
former 30.99%
late 8.97%
military 6.93%
chilean 5.13%
communist 3.51%
longtime 3.13%
soviet 2.66%
iraqi 1.85%
fascist 1.85%
zairian 1.85%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
dictator 0.81%
每页显示:    共 649