1.   As I was taking my leave, I asked whether he would like to attend our formal opening and reception.

2.   Both figures included revenue from preview showings the night before their formal opening, Paramount said.

3.   After a formal opening at the United Nations, group discussions have been closed.

4.   But even as the ceremonies will mark the formal opening of the trial, negotiations are expected to continue off the floor.

5.   Even worse, the magazine said, were the infighting and bureaucratic snags, notably the repeated rescheduling of the formal opening.

6.   Her inauguration last year came a week after the formal opening of the Legislature, when the State Constitution calls for such a report.

7.   The formal opening of the Senate trial of Bill Clinton was a matter of gravity and dignity, but not a matter of pomp.

8.   The education reforms were first outlined by President Eduardo Frei during a state of the nation speech at the formal opening of parliament yesterday.

9.   A formal opening is planned for April.

10.   But discord already had emerged before the formal opening of the meeting.

a. + opening >>共 539
official 6.46%
grand 5.88%
small 3.86%
new 2.77%
formal 2.13%
higher 2.13%
further 2.13%
lower 2.07%
political 1.61%
strong 1.44%
formal + n. >>共 728
announcement 3.81%
charge 3.46%
complaint 3.36%
investigation 3.03%
talk 2.56%
request 2.10%
protest 1.78%
agreement 1.78%
meeting 1.66%
peace 1.61%
opening 0.31%
每页显示:    共 37