1.   An Interstate Council, to be chaired by Russia, Ukraine and one other CIS member in rotation, was formed to oversee repayment.

2.   The church is in the process of establishing a foundation to administer the funds, and an advisory committee of church members has been formed to oversee that process.

3.   The firm was investigated by the inspector generals of the Resolution Trust Corp., an agency formed to oversee troubled thrift institutions, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

4.   Rafidah also said a technical committee had been formed to oversee the development of the inland port in Taboh Naning.

5.   As part of the Palestinian reforms, international inspection teams should be formed to oversee the changes, Sharon told Bush, according to Saar.

6.   Mikhailov proposed Sunday that a joint observer commission be formed to oversee implementation of the agreements, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

7.   Nagel, already a board member of Palm, heads a company committee formed to oversee the establishment of the subsidiary.

8.   The decree also said a special commission will be formed to oversee the work, according to the report.

9.   The coalition protoccal calls for a coordination council to be formed to oversee the problems of displaced Kurds.

10.   A committee grouping representatives from the central bank and those banks has been formed to oversee the fund, he added.

v. + oversee >>共 36
set_up 22.00%
create 17.00%
form 11.00%
establish 8.00%
return 5.00%
be 3.00%
arrive 2.00%
deploy 2.00%
retain 2.00%
use 2.00%
form + v. >>共 276
investigate 4.51%
study 3.42%
fight 3.15%
help 2.87%
try 2.05%
make 1.64%
look 1.64%
oversee 1.50%
develop 1.50%
follow 1.50%
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