1.   And more significantly, he has forged alliances among Democrats whose feuds once seemed irreparable, creating a far more harmonious party organization.

2.   And they have forged strategic alliances.

3.   Clinton has also forged alliances with religious leaders who see him as their champion for social justice and a larger federal commitment to the poor.

4.   Delays give competitors, many of whom have already forged alliances, time to grab market share and beat Odyssey into orbit, they said.

5.   It has also forged alliances with other lobbying groups, such as the alcohol and restaurant interests.

6.   It has forged alliances with real estate firms in Europe and Asia.

7.   Several other banks have forged alliances with brokerages.

8.   Since its partial sale to investors it has aggressively forged alliances with other airlines.

9.   The Guggenheim has forged alliances with five foreign museums.

10.   The indictment also said al-Qaida has forged alliances with the National Islamic Front, the ruling political party in Sudan.

a. + alliance >>共 752
northern 19.80%
military 9.01%
western 7.49%
new 4.81%
strategic 4.30%
political 1.99%
atlantic 1.69%
marketing 1.57%
loose 1.43%
possible 1.43%
forged 0.22%
forged + n. >>共 133
passport 21.96%
document 20.22%
signature 3.16%
paper 3.00%
travel 3.00%
tie 3.00%
identity 2.53%
alliance 2.05%
letter 1.90%
check 1.90%
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