1.   Each participating State will provide appropriate legal and administrative procedures to protect the rights of all its forces personnel.

2.   No amount of bombing by the IRA or murder of security force personnel has weakened the resolve or beliefs of the unionist community.

3.   The system must include a user-friendly display that is easily interpreted by tactical force personnel.

4.   -- all defence force contracts and whether bribes and commissions were paid to defence force personnel, bureaucrats or politicians.

5.   Among the dead were many army soldiers and paramilitary forces personnel traveling in the forward coaches.

6.   Government spokesman Gopendra Pandey said no security force personnel had been killed in the rescue operation, but he refused to give more information.

7.   In neighboring Manipur, eight security force personnel were killed Sunday when armed men attacked government workers carrying election material.

8.   On Sunday, truckloads of armed security force personnel surrounded the site hours before the ceremony was scheduled to start.

9.   Seven security forces personnel were also wounded.

10.   Seven security force personnel accompanying the workers were among those killed in the attack.

n. + personnel >>共 321
security 33.23%
player 5.99%
army 3.65%
service 2.80%
embassy 2.64%
rescue 2.37%
police 2.10%
support 1.94%
hospital 1.83%
enforcement 1.83%
force 1.01%
force + n. >>共 520
wind 8.20%
commander 6.13%
member 4.98%
spokesman 3.52%
soldier 2.25%
official 2.13%
troop 2.06%
personnel 1.58%
headquarters 1.40%
level 1.34%
每页显示:    共 26