1.   Federal forces on Sunday defused eight powerful landmines set along a highway near Gudermes in eastern Chechnya.

2.   NATO forces have defused several potentially dangerous clashes by buzzing the crowds with helicopters, by roadblocks and by a show of force.

3.   Security forces defused a car bomb outside an office of the IRA-allied Sinn Fein Party Sunday, and party leaders laid the blame on Protestant paramilitary groups.

4.   Security forces defused another bomb before it went off, the newspaper said.

5.   Russian forces also defused several remote control mines that rebels had planted along a main highway running west from the Chechen capital Grozny to the neighboring region of Ingushetia.

6.   Security forces defused a bomb planted by insurgents in Mullah Sadra Avenue, northwest Tehran, the Tehran Times reported Thursday.

7.   Security forces defused a bomb planted by insurgents in northwest Tehran on Mullah Sadra Avenue, the Tehran Times reported Thursday.

8.   Georgian security forces Tuesday defused a bomb placed on an Aeroflot plane due to fly from Tbilisi to Moscow, the Georgian news agency Iprinda reported.

9.   In another development, security forces defused a bomb in a market place in central Algiers, the government daily El Moudjahid said Saturday.

10.   At least two other potentially very bloody attacks were prevented when the security forces defused bombs in the Algiers region.

n. + defuse >>共 104
police 26.45%
expert 15.62%
force 4.28%
squad 4.28%
soldier 3.78%
sapper 2.77%
step 2.77%
agreement 2.02%
authority 2.02%
army 1.51%
force + v. >>共 622
be 11.83%
have 2.32%
take 2.23%
say 1.89%
launch 1.87%
fire 1.65%
continue 1.54%
attack 1.38%
kill 1.38%
capture 1.35%
defuse 0.08%
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