1.   The air smelt dank and trapped despite the wind that poured past them, forcing them deeper into the solid darkness ahead.

2.   As it is now, any emergency forces her deeper into credit card debt.

3.   Opponents of the campaign claim that it simply forces peasants deeper into the wilderness, where they plant more drug crops.

4.   Rough handling can force dirt deeper into whatever is being stained.

5.   Russian forces pushing deeper into rebel-held regions of eastern and southern Chechnya are blocking medical workers trying to help civilians there, relief organizations say.

v. + deeper >>共 22
push 27.12%
cut 21.19%
drive 11.86%
make 5.93%
force 4.24%
strike 4.24%
keep 3.39%
pull 3.39%
find 2.54%
have 2.54%
force + a. >>共 95
open 33.45%
necessary 6.62%
higher 5.92%
underground 4.88%
lower 4.18%
out 4.18%
down 2.09%
deeper 1.74%
wide 1.74%
feed 1.39%
每页显示:    共 5