1.   The company was forced into bankruptcy.

2.   Analysts say small Japanese insurance companies may be forced out of business as foreign insurers and Japanese banks enter the market.

3.   And this has forced the company to market down its prices, cutting into profits.

4.   And U.S. accounting rule makers watered down a controversial proposal to force companies to acknowledge gains and losses from derivatives every quarter.

5.   As of mid-May, the company will be forced out of the Opera House, its home base, which will close for desperately needed repairs and renovations.

6.   At the worst, the claims could force some companies into bankruptcy or mergers.

7.   At that point, a creditor could force the company into an involuntary bankruptcy filing, bond specialists noted on Thursday.

8.   At this point, a minority of the bond holders could force the company into US Bankrutpcy Court.

9.   Bondholders could force the company into involuntary bankruptcy.

10.   Bondholders could force the company into bankruptcy if it does not act first.

v. + company >>共 734
say 2.87%
leave 2.80%
run 2.31%
buy 2.20%
sell 1.80%
sue 1.67%
accuse 1.46%
have 1.45%
base 1.45%
include 1.36%
force 0.65%
force + n. >>共 1610
way 5.37%
change 2.90%
evacuation 2.34%
cancellation 2.30%
closure 2.15%
turnover 2.06%
issue 1.93%
postponement 1.51%
company 1.49%
resignation 1.45%
每页显示:    共 137