1.   A college football playoff is, in a word, inevitable.

2.   A football playoff would be even more lucrative.

3.   A football playoff is the last untapped revenue stream.

4.   But a college football playoff would make the sport a minor-league version of the NFL.

5.   Check the two pro football playoffs Sunday.

6.   Fans screaming for a Division I football playoff are going to have to scream a little longer.

7.   Fans who favor a Division I-A football playoff should not expect it anytime soon.

8.   In light of recent developments, college football playoffs are a real possibility.

9.   It is well known to the NCAA for trumpeting a proposal for a post-season college football playoff.

10.   Like the forced evolution of the college bowl system into a national football playoff, the drift toward a national primary is a work in progress.

n. + playoff >>共 107
season 18.99%
one-game 7.69%
baseball 7.33%
year 4.81%
sudden-death 4.57%
time 3.73%
spring 3.25%
two-leg 3.00%
league 3.00%
football 3.00%
football + n. >>共 456
team 12.60%
player 11.18%
game 10.12%
coach 7.62%
field 5.19%
fan 3.16%
star 3.03%
program 2.85%
season 2.36%
stadium 2.29%
playoff 0.20%
每页显示:    共 25